Ration Card Helpline Number: Toll Free Complaint Number State Wise

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If you are a permanent resident of India then you will be eligible to apply for a ration card and you can also consider having proper information related to the ration card helpline number. You can consider dialing any helpline number according to your state and then you will be able to file your complaint. Check out the details related to the Ration Card Helpline Number from the article provided below and we will also share with you all the toll free complaint numbers according to the different states available in India so that you can file your complaint in any state available in India without any problem or difficulty. 

Ration Card Helpline Number
Ration Card Helpline Number

About Ration Card Helpline Number

If you are not satisfied with the services provided to you by the Indian government through the development of ration cards then you can consider the official helpline numbers which are presented by the Indian government so that the residents can file their complaint and get ultimate solutions to all of their problems. The Ration Card Helpline Number are available for the 36 States as well as the union territories. You can check out the landline numbers and also the email IDs which are available so that you can file your complaints and get solutions to your problems in a matter of just a few minutes. You can also consider communicating with the district officers which are in charge of the fair price shops in India.

Also Read: Free Ration Card

Types Of Ration Cards

The following types of ration cards are available for people to choose from in this scheme:-

  • APL Category – In this category, those people are kept who are living above the poverty line. APL ration cards are provided to those people. If you are financially able then they have to apply for an APL Ration Card.
  • BPL Category – Under this category, those people of the country are kept who are living below the poverty line. Those people are provided with a BPL ration card. If you come below the poverty line then they have to apply for a BPL ration card.

Also Read: One Nation One Ration Card

Toll-Free Complaint Number State Wise

You can check out the details related to the state-wise Ration Card Helpline Number from the table provided below:-

Name of StateToll-Free NumbersLandline No. / Email IDNFSA Link
Andhra Pradesh1967, 1800-425-2977040-23494808 / 822, pds-ap@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/AP
Andaman & Nicobar Islands1967, 1800-343-319703192233345, dircs@and.nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/AN
Arunachal Pradesh196703602244290, dfpsarun@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/AR
Assam1967, 1800-345-36119435064841, directorfcsca-as@assam@gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/AS
Bihar1800-3456-19406122223051, secy-fsc-bih@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/BR
Chandigarh1967, 1800-180-206801722703956, fcs-chd@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/CH
Chhattisgarh1967, 1800-233-36630771-2511974, dirfood.cg@gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/CG
Dadra & Nagar Haveli1967, 1800-233-40040260-2640663, supplyoffice.sil@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/DN
Daman & Diu196702602230607, dycollg-dmn-dd@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/DD
Delhi1967, 1800-110-841011-23378759, cfood@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/DL
Goa1967, 1800-233-002208322226084, dir-csca.goa@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/GA
Gujarat1967, 1800-233-550007923251163, 07923251165, 07923251170, secfcs@guj.gov.in, dire-cs-fcs@gujarat.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/GJ
Haryana1967, 1800-180-208701722701366, foods@hry.nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/HR
Himachal Pradesh1967, 1800-180-802601772623749, 01772623746, dfs-hp@nic.in, hpepds@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/HP
Jammu & Kashmir1967, 1800-180-7011 (Kashmir), 1800-180-7106 (Jammu)01942506084, 01912566188, 01912472375, jk.fcsca@jk.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/JK
Jharkhand1967, 1800-345-6598, 1800-212-551206512400960, 0651-712-2723, 0896-958-3111, pgmsgov.jhar@gmail.com, pgms@dfcajharkhand.in, food.secy@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/JH
Karnataka1967, 1800-425-9339080-22259024, 080 – 22034562, prs-fcs@karnataka.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/KA
Kerala1967, 1800-425-155004712320578, essentialscommodity@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/KL
Lakshadweep1800-425-318604896263703, +91-4896-262012, dfcs_lk@nic.in, dirfcs_lk@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/LD
Madhya Pradesh1967, 18107552441675, mpportal@mp.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MP
Maharashtra1967, 1800-22-4950022-22025308, 022-22024592, 022-22042314, 22025277, helpline.mhpds@gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MH
Manipur1967, 1800-345-38210385-2450137, 0385-2451144, 0385-2450064, 8413975150, ranjan.yumnam@gov.in, cmmani@nic.in, cs-manipur@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MN
Meghalaya1967, 1800-345-36700364-2224108, fcsca-meg@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MG
Mizoram1967, 1860-222-222-789, 1800-345-389103892322872, fcscamizoram@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MZ
Nagaland1800-345-3704, 1800-345-370503702233347, stateportal-ngl@negp.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/NL
Odisha1967, 1800-345-6724, 1800-345-676006742536892, fcswsc@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/OR
Puducherry1800-425-1082 (Puducherry), 1800-425-1083 (Karaikal), 1800-425-1084 (Mahe), 1800-425-1085 (Yanam)04132253345, civil.pon@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/PY
Punjab1967, 1800-3006-131301722742803, secy.fs@punjab.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/PB
Rajasthan1800-180-612701412227352, afcfood-rj@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/RJ
Sikkim1967, 1800-345-323603592202708, secy-food@sikkim.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/SK
Tamil Nadu1967, 1800-425-590104325665566, 04428592828, webadmin.tn@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/TN
Telangana1967, 1800-4250-033304023310462, dir_cs@ap.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/TL
Tripura1967, 1800-345-366503812326308, dir.fcs-tr@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/TR
Uttar Pradesh1967, 1800-180-015005512239296, up.fncs@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/UP
Uttarakhand1800-180-2000, 1800-180-418801352780765, comm-fcs-uk@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/UK
West Bengal1967, 1800-345-550503322535293, ica-dept@wb.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/WB

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