Hello, friends are you looking for the e-shram card-related detail? Are you in the age group of 16 to 59 years? Are you working as an unorganized worker? If the answer to all the above questions is yes then you are on it right page. In this article today you will get detailed information related to the E Shram Card 2024 including a procedure to apply for the card, documents you required, eligibility conditions, benefits, and other important information.

About E Shram Card
E shram card is he should buy the Ministry of labour and employment Government of India to the unorganized workers who made the eligibility conditions. Those are organized workers who hold the e shram card will be able to get the benefits of various schemes run by the central government and state government. It is very easy to register with the e shram portal to get the e shram card. If you wish to register yourself then you have to follow the step-by-step instructions given below under the head “E shram card registration procedure”.
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Highlights About E Shram Card
- Article about: E Shram Card
- Launched by: Government of India
- Ministry: Ministry of Labour and Employment
- Beneficial for: workers
- Official website: E Shram Card
Objective Of E Shram Card
The motive of the Government of India behind launching the shram card is to provide benefits of the various government schemes to the unorganized workers who deserve to get government support. Those workers who hold e-shram cards will be able to get benefits of various schemes as listed below.
Benefits/ Features Of E Shram Card
- E shram portal has been started to maintain the database of unorganized workers
- All the workers will get a card with 12 digits unique number card
- Till now the government has sanctioned 27,98,35,220 e shram cards
- E shram portal has been launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment
- The workers will be able to get benefits of the scheme specially started for them
- Unorganized workers will be able to get employment opportunities.
- The government started to issue e shram card on 26 August 2021
- Applicants must need to update their information once in a year
- E shram Card holders will get insurance scheme benefits.
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E Shram Card Stakeholders
- Ministry of Labour and Employment
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
- National Informatics Center
- State/UT Govt.
- Line Ministries/Department of Central Government
- Workers Facilitation Center and Field Operator
- Unorganized Workers and Their Families
- Department of Post Through Post Office
- Private Sector Partner
Beneficiaries Of E Shram Card
- Small And Marginal Farmer
- Agricultural Laborers
- Share Cropper
- Fisherman
- Labelling & Packaging Worker
- Building And Construction Worker
- Leather Worker
- Carpenter
- Midwife
- Domestic Workers
- Barber
- Vegetable And Fruit Seller
- Newspaper Seller
- Rickshaw Driver
- CSC Center Driver
- MNREGA Workers
- ASHA Workers Etc
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Schemes On E Shram Portal
- Social Security Welfare Schemes
- Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Yojana (PM-SYM) (Old Age Protection)
- National Pension Scheme for Traders and The Self-employed Persons (NPS)
- Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Yojana (PMJJBY)
- Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)
- Atal Pension Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY-G)
- National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) -Old age Protection
- Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY)
- Health Insurance Scheme for Weavers (HIS)
- Pradhan Mantri Kisan Mandhan Yojana
- National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation (NSKFDC)
- Self-Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers
- Employment Schemes
- Deen Dayal Upadhyay – Gramin Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)
- Garib Kalyan Rozgar Yojana
- Deen Dayal Updhyaya Antyodaya Yojana (Day)
- PM SVANidhi
- Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
- Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
Eligibility Criteria
If you would like to register yourself to get e shram card then you must full fill the below-mentioned eligibility:
- You must be working as a Vegetable And Fruit Seller, Newspaper Seller, Rickshaw Driver, CSC Center Driver, MNREGA worker, ASHA worker Etc
- Your age should be between 16 to 59 years
- You should not register with the Employee Provident Fund Organization and Employees State Insurance Corporation
- You must have the following documents
- Aadhar Number
- The mobile number linked with Aadhar
- Bank account details
- Age proof
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E Shram Card Registration Process
- To register you have to visit the E Shram Card website of the e shram

- On home page of the portal, you will see register on eShram option
- Click the link to open the application form page or directly click here

- On the new page, you have to enter your mobile number, and the captcha code shown on the screen and select no given in front of EPFO/ ESIC
- Now press the send OTP option and you will receive an SMS on the number you entered on the screen
- Enter the OTP in the given space and select the proceed/ verify/ continue button
- Now you have to fill in the rest information asked on the computer screen
- Submit the registration form by pressing the submit button
Shram Card UAN Number Update Procedure
- To update you have to visit the official website of the e shram
- On the home page of the portal, you will see “Already Registered? UPDATE” under register on eShram

- Click the link and a new page will open on the screen
- Now you have to enter your UAN number, date of birth, and captcha
- Hit generate OTP button and you will receive an SMS
- Enter the OTP and press proceed/ verify/ continue button
- Make changes you desire to by entering the information and submitting it
E Shram Card Profile Update Procedure
- To update you have to visit the official website of the e shram
- On the home page of the portal, you will see “Already Registered? UPDATE” under register on eShram

- In the menu bar, you will see the “already register” option, click on it
- Drop down list will open select the “profile update” option from there
- Enter the mobile number and captcha code
- Hit send OTP button and you will receive an SMS
- Enter the OTP and press proceed/ verify/ continue button
- Make changes you desire to by entering the information and submitting it
Procedure to Check Eligibility For Schemes
- you have to visit the official website of the e shram
- On the home page of the portal, you will see the scheme in the menu bar
- Now you have to choose the “ Social Security Welfare Schemes” or “ Employment Schemes” option
- As you click a new page will open on the screen
- On this page, you can check the eligibility conditions and benefits-related information of each scheme.
Download Mobile Application
- To download mobile app, you have to visit the official website of the e shram
- Press the get it on google play or download on the app store option
- A new page will open which will open the application on the screen
- You will see the install button on the page opened
- Press Install button and let the application form install on your mobile
File Grievance
- To submit a grievance, you have to visit the official website of the e shram
- From the home page of the portal go to the Contact Us option
- Select the grievance option from drop-down list shown on the screen
- A new page will open from where you have to select the lodge grievance option

- Select any of the following options to open the application form
- Registered in e-SHRAM
- Not registered in e-SHRAM
- Civil Society Group / Individual
- The form will open on the screen, fill in the information as required
- Upload the supporting document and hit the request OTP button
- Enter the OTP and hit the submit button for the final submission
Check Grievance Status
- To submit a grievance, you have to visit the official website of the e shram
- From the home page of the portal go to the Contact Us option
- Select the grievance option from the drop-down list shown on the screen
- A new page will open from where you have to select view status option

- Enter the Grievance ID or mobile number in the given space
- Hit the request OTP button and enter the OTP you received
- As you hit information about your complaint will show on the screen
Help Desk
- If you face any issues, you can contact the help desk number 14434.
- You may also forward an email at eshramcare-mole@gov.in