West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme 2024: Online Registration, Login

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In order to assist all students enrolled in classes 9 through 12 before the start of the 2021 assembly election, the state government of West Bengal state has introduced the West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme 2024. We’re going to tell you all about the Chief Minister of West Bengal State’s flagship programme for the state’s pupils in this article today. During the current fiscal year, the West Bengal state government agreed to give away 10 lakh bicycles to pupils. CM Mamata Banerjee has directed the competent officials to increase the amount by twofold. We will discuss the qualifying requirements, paperwork needed, goals, characteristics, and advantages of the programme introduced by the relevant West Bengal state authorities in this article.

West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme
Sabooj Sathi Scheme

About West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme 2024

The concerned West Bengal government officials have introduced this scheme in an effort to improve the quality of life for students in the state of West Bengal. The pupils will be allowed to purchase bicycles so they may safely get to their respective schools. Students who are unable to obtain anything because of their parents’ low financial situation would benefit much from it. Additionally, the West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme received the renowned World Summit on the Information Society Award from the UN. Under this programme, the government will hand out about 10 lakh bicycles.

  • This fiscal year will see the launch of this scheme. Additionally, the West Bengal state’s chief minister suggested doubling the distribution of bicycles.
  • Around 84 lakh students have received bicycles through the chief minister’s Sabooj Sathi Scheme so they may commute to school. The programme won the prestigious World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) prize from the UN.

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Key Highlights of the Scheme

Launched ByGovernment of West Bengal
Name of SchemeWest Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme 2024
ObjectiveGiving away 10 lakh bicycles
BenefitsIt will give students who don’t have access to own vehicles to get to their classrooms a lot of facilities
Eligibility CriteriaResident of West Bengal
BeneficiariesStudents from class 9th to 12th
Official WebsiteWB Sabooj Sathi

Objective of West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme

The major goal of creating the scheme is to give students who are enrolled in West Bengal State government institutions sufficient car amenities. Additionally, this scheme will improve student retention in West Bengal State institutions. When students have a dependable vehicle that they can use to get to school effortlessly, they will be able to take higher education more seriously. In addition to receiving their vehicle, the girls’ classmates will be given a boost in confidence. The students will have access to automobiles that are both economical and environmentally beneficial, reducing their use of gasoline and diesel cars significantly. 

Benefits of West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme

The key advantage of putting this plan into action is that it will give students who don’t have access to their vehicles to get to their classrooms a lot of facilities. This programme will unquestionably aid in lowering the dropout rate in Bengal State. The children in the female classes will have proper confidence in driving to school as a result of the scheme’s execution. The Chief Minister further stated that a new tender will be prepared to provide kids with an additional 10 lakh bicycles. To get to their different schools, West Bengal State students will be able to use vehicles that are both comfortable and environmentally sustainable.

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Features of  West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Schemes

  • To support a significant operational task Under this plan, an e-governance structure has been implemented.
  • The Sabooj Sathi Scheme has benefited 6 million kids in 12000 schools.
  • This plan includes the use of 1000 trucks for transportation, 2500 intermediate delivery stations, and 12,000 final destinations, all of which are managed effectively through the supply chain.
  • Additionally, there is a productive assembly line with 3500 fitters that produces 20000 bicycles daily.
  • The dropout rates have also decreased because to this plan.
Eligibility Criteria 
  • Students must be enrolled in a class in ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade and be permanent residents of West Bengal.
  • The pupils must attend madrasahs or schools that are supported by or controlled by the government.
Documents Required
  • Ration card
  • Residence certificate
  • Mobile number
  • Passport size photograph
  • Required Documents
  • Aadhar card
  • Student’s ID card

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Procedure For Login under WB Sabooj Sathi Scheme 

You must adhere to the straightforward steps listed below to log in to the official website:

West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme Website
West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme 
  • The homepage will appear on your screen.
  • Go to the Quick Links section now.
  • Now select “Students Corner” from the menu.
West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme Student Corner
Student Corner
  • You’ll see a new page on your screen.
  • Fill out all the information which are required.
  • After that click on “login” button.

Beneficiary Status of the Sabooj Sathi Scheme

You must follow the straightforward procedure outlined below in order to check the status of the scheme:

  • Applicants visit the program’s official website first.
  • Go to the Quick Links section and then select the Bicycle Distribution option.
Bicycle Distribution under the Scheme
Bicycle Distribution
  • You’ll see a new page on your screen.
  • You have to enter-
    • District
    • Block
    • School
    • Fees
    • Class
  • Next, select Find A Beneficiary.
  • Your screen will show the status.

View the Distribution Record by District

  • Visit the Sabooj Sathi Scheme’s official website for further information.
  • Before you, the home page will load.
  • You must select the Distribution Record Tab on the home page.
Distribution Record of Bicycle Under the Scheme
Distribution Record
  • The district-wise distribution record must now be clicked.
  • You must choose your district.
  • The next step is to choose your block.
  • The district-wise distribution record will appear on your computer screen as soon as you click this link.

Examine E-Tender

  • Visit the Sabooj Sathi portal’s official website. The home page will appear.
  • You must select the “tender papers” link on the home page.
  • You must now select E-tender.
Select E Tender Details
Select E Tender
  • After that, a new page featuring a list of papers organized by phases will open in front of you.
  • You must select the document of your choice by clicking.
  • Your smartphone will download the necessary document.
  • You may now see the file you downloaded.

Process For Contract Award

  • Visit the Sabooj Sathi portal’s official website. The home page will appear.
  • You must select the tender papers link on the home page.
  • The award of contract must then be selected.
Contract Award
Contract Award
  • You will now see a list of contracts that have been awarded.
  • You must select the document of your choice by clicking.
  • Your smartphone will download the necessary document.
  • You can now see the contract award.

Download Standard Operating Procedure

  • Visit the Sabooj Sathi portal’s main official website.
  • Before you, the home page will load.
  • You must select the download option on the homepage.
  • You must now select SOP SABOOJ SATHI.
Download Standard
Download Standard
  • When you click this link, a new window will appear with the document.
  • This paper is available for viewing as well as downloading.

Grievance Resolution

You must adhere to the straightforward steps outlined below in order to submit your complaint using the portal:

  • Visit the program’s official website first.
  • Go to the Quick Links section now.
  • Select the “Grievance” option from the menu now.
West Bengal Sabooj Sathi Scheme 
Grievance Form
  • Your screen will switch to a new page.
  • Enter the information which is required.
  • Then click on the “send” button.

Contacts Details

  • Visit the Sabooj Sathi Scheme’s official website first.
  • Before you, the Home page will load.
  • You must click the contact us link on the home page.
Contact Details
Contact Details
  • The contact list will appear on your computer screen as you click this link.
Contact Information

We have given you all the crucial details about the Sabooj Sathi Scheme in this article. You can send an email or call the helpdesk if you’re still having issues, which will help you get the help you need. The following are the hotline number and email address:-

  • Email- Saboojsathi-wb@gov.in 
  • Helpline +917044033888

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