Telangana LRS Scheme 2025: Registration For Layout Regularisation

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Hello, friends today we are here with the information related to the Telangana LRS scheme. If you are from Telangana then you should read this article very carefully. You might have various questions related to the Telangana LRS Scheme in your mind including what is the scheme, how is it beneficial, who can apply under it, what documents you need while applying, and many more such questions. Here we try to provide answers to all the questions you have in your mind related to the Telangana LRS scheme.

What is Telangana LRS Scheme

Importance of the Telangana LRS Scheme

In Telangana, various unapproved and illegal layouts are violating the statutory Development plan/ master plan and layout rules lacking in development standards and basic infrastructure facilities such as proper roads drainage facilities, and street lights. Considering this in mind an initiative called Telangana LRS Scheme has been started by the Municipal Administration and Panchayat Raj Departments. This scheme has been started by the Telangana government with the view of promoting the planned development of urban areas. To do so it is necessary to encourage development through approved layout and development of integrated townships through both public and private initiatives.

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Objective Of the Telangana LRS Scheme

These norms launched by the government of Telangana under LRS apply to the entire state of Telangana including the areas falling In Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority, all Urban Development authorities, all municipal corporations, all municipalities, and all gram panchayats. These norms are called Telangana regularization of unapproved and illegal layout rules 2020. These rules came into effect on 31st August 2020. The motive of the government behind launching these norms is to promote planned sustainable development of both urban and rural areas in the state.

Highlights Of the Telangana LRS Scheme

  • Name of the scheme: Telangana LRS Scheme
  • Launched by: Municipal Administration and Panchayat Raj Departments
  • Launched for: citizens of the state
  • Mode of application: online
  • Official site:

Also Check: DTA Telangana 

Important Norms

  • The width of the roads should be a minimum of 9 meters but if the layout or plot is less than 100 square meters then the width of the road may be 6 meters.
  • Overall connectivity and integration with surrounding infrastructure and Road patterns must be ensured
  • If there are any water bodies in the layout shall be preserved. There should be no development activity other than recreational use shall be carried out within
    • 30 m from the boundary of river/ lakes of an area of 10 hectares and above
    • 9 m from the boundary of lakes/ kuntas/ Shikam lands of the area less than hectares
    • 9 m from the boundaries of the canal, vague, etc.
    • 2 m from the defined boundaries of Nala.
  • Necessary clearance from the concerned authority is required to carry out any layout development activity within the restricted zone near the airport or 500 m distance from the boundaries of the defense area/military establishment

Regularization Charges

The market value of the plot on 26.08.2020 (SubRegister value) in Rs per ydRegularization Charges(% of basic regularization charges)
Below 300020%
3001 to 500030%
5001 to 1000040%
10001 to 2000050%
20001 to 3000060%
30001 to 5000080%
Above 50000100%

Documents Required

  • Self-attested copy of the first page of the registered sale deed/title deed, in case of unsold plots
  • Copies of sale deeds of at least 10% of total plots.

Application Procedure

  • To apply you should visit the Telangana LRS website of the municipal administration and the Panchayat Raj department
  • From the open page of the portal, you need to click apply for LRS.
  • A new page will open on the screen, and you will see two options there select Indian or NRIs ask for your citizenship
  • Now you need to enter your mobile number and click on generate OTP button
  • As you click you will receive an SMS with OTP, enter the OTP in the given space
  • Choose the Validate OTP button and the registration form will appear on the screen
  • You need to provide all your details as required in the form and you need to proceed to make your payment
  • You need to make a payment with the ICICI bank gateway by using the online payment method
  • Make the payment, upload the required document, and submit the form by pressing submit button

Know Your LRS Scheme Application Status

  • To check your application status you need to visit the official website of the municipal administration and the Panchayat Raj department
  • From the home page of the portal, you need to click on know your application status option given in the menu bar
  • As you click a new page will open on the screen from where you need to enter your acknowledgment number
  • Submit the acknowledgment number by pressing submit button and the status of your application will show on the computer screen
LRS Scheme Helpline
  • Email:
  • Phone 18004258838

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