A new scheme is presented by the Tamil Nadu government in order to provide proper opportunities related to housing facilities for the people who are otherwise not able to get important information related to the vacant positions of flats. You can apply for the Tamil Nadu Housing Board Scheme and the online auction will be conducted by the organization in order to help people get information about the vacant plots. You can check out the details related to the Tamil Nadu Housing Board scheme from the article provided below and we will also share with you all the procedures to download the application form for the scholarship.

About TN Housing Board Scheme
A new Tamil Nadu Housing Board Scheme is created by the Tamil Nadu housing board in order to provide proper opportunities to the people who are otherwise not able to get a proper housing facility in India. You can go to the official website of the organization and check out the latest lotteries presented by the government of Tamil Nadu State in order to provide housing facilities to people who are homeless.
- This is a very prestigious program and more than 800 plots are distributed by the Tamil Nadu Housing Board facilities in the city of Trichy.
- The citizens can check out the variety of locations available across the city by visiting the official website of the organization and applying for the house of their choice.
- The Housing and the Urban Development Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu State have launched this housing scheme to provide home facilities.
Also Read: Affordable Rental Housing Scheme
Objective Of Scheme
The main objective of the development of this prestigious scheme presented by the Housing in Urban Development Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu State is to monitor and overview the activities related to housing facilities in Tamil Nadu State. The homeless people will now be able to get proper opportunities related to housing facilities and this Tamil Nadu Housing Board Scheme will also provide employment opportunities for the people who are otherwise not able to get employment. This is an employment generation program because if there is construction in a city then it will also open up a lot of jobs for the day workers and they will be able to continue their employment. The primary objective is to utilize modern building techniques and also provide other components to the people.
Also Read: CAPF EAwas Portal
Benefits Of Tamil Nadu Housing Board Scheme
A lot of benefits will be provided to the people who are applying for this official record and you must check out the locations of the flats that are available in this scheme. There are over 894 plots available in this scheme present by Tamil Nadu in the city of Trichy. The residents can easily apply for the house of their choice by visiting the official website and checking out the locations of the houses. There is a lot of variety available in the plots available by the organization and a particular online option will be conducted by the organization so that the plots can be taken over by the residents as per their financial services. You can be a part of the option by visiting the official website of the organization and you will be able to get a house.
Eligibility Criteria
The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria to apply for this scheme:-
- The applicant must be a permanent resident of Tamil Nadu state.
- At the very least, the candidate needs to be 21 years old.
- The applicant is not permitted to hold any land or properties that were acquired via any other housing programmes offered by the state.
- To be eligible for any of the income categories, the applicant must have a regular source of income.
Required Documents
The following documents are required to successfully apply for this prestigious scheme:-
- Aadhar Card
- Voter ID
- Bank details
- Ration card
- The applicant Photograph
- Income certificate IC
Tamil Nadu Housing Board Scheme Application Process
To apply for this housing scheme you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You can easily get the Application Form from the office of the executive engineer and administrative officer located in the J.J. Nagar Division of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board in Chennai.
- You can get an application form for the applicable category by purchasing it from the Tamil Nadu Housing Board.
- Make sure to deposit the application fees to successfully fill out the application form for this program.
Check Projects
If you want to check the projects then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the TNHB website.
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Project options on the menu bar.
- A drop-down menu will open on your screen.
- Three options will open on your screen such as-
- A new page will open on your screen
- You have to select your district and sub-district.
- You have to select your price range.
- You have to select your area and click on search.
- The projects available will open on your screen.
Sale Projects
If you want to check the projects which are for sale then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the For Sale options on the menu bar.
- A drop-down menu will open on your screen.
- Three options will open on your screen such as-
- A new page will open on your screen
- You have to select your district and sub-district.
- You have to select your price range.
- You have to select your area and click on search.
- The projects available will open on your screen.
Check Rentals Community Hall
If you want to check the rentals then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Rentals options on the menu bar.
- A drop-down menu will open on your screen.
- You have to click on the option called Community Hall and a new page will open on your screen.

- The details related to community halls will open on your screen.
Employee Login
If you want to log in as an employee then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Rentals options on the menu bar.
- A drop-down menu will open on your screen.
- You have to click on the option called TNGRHS and a new page will open on your screen.

- You have to enter the details related to your username and password.
- Enter the verification code and log in easily.
Online Payment
If you want to do your online payment for rented apartments then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Rentals options on the menu bar.
- A drop-down menu will open on your screen.
- You have to click on the option called Board Rent- Online Payment and a new page will open on your screen.

- A new page will open on your screen where you will have to log in using your username and password.
- Enter the verification code and you will be able to log in easily.
Download Tenders
If you want to download tenders then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Tender options on the menu bar.

- A new page will open on your screen and you can download the tenders as per the timeline such as-
- The documents will open on your screen.
Download Forms
If you want to download forms then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Download Forms options on the menu bar.

- A new page will open on your screen
- A lot of different documents and forms will open on your screen and you can download it easily.
Download Allotment Procedure
If you want to download the allotment procedures then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Allotment Procedure options on the menu bar.

- A new page will open on your screen.
- You can now download the allotment procedure.
Auction Available
If you want to set the options available on the official website and you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Auction options on the menu bar.

- A new page will open on your screen.
- The details related to the options available by the official platform will open on your screen.
File A Feedback
If you want to file feedback then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Housing Board
- The home page will open on your screen
- You have to click on the Contact options on the menu bar.

- A new page will open on your screen.
- You have to enter the details in the feedback column displayed on the homepage such as your personal information and your contact information.
- Enter your message and click on send to file a feedback.
Helpline Numbers
- Toll-Free: 1800 599 6060
- Toll-Free Working Time: 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM