Startup Telangana 2025: Online Registration and Login at

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Telangana state was inaugurated in the year 2014 and since then it has been providing a lot of opportunities to the residents. A new portal is created by the Telangana government through which the people will be able to get proper opportunities related to start-up developments. Startup Telangana 2025 is an official platform which is created to boost the innovation and entrepreneurship development skills available inside the Telangana state for applicants who are interested in starting their businesses. You can check out the details related to the online registration procedure and also the details related to the funding available by the organization from the article provided below. 

Startup Telangana
Startup Telangana

What Is Startup Telangana?

The new startup organization was created by the Telangana government to provide proper opportunities to the people who are not able to continue their businesses due to the lack of financial funding that they have currently. To provide proper economic flow inside Telangana state, the Telangana government has created Startup Telangana because through this scheme the business owners will be able to get more information about the funding that they can accumulate. The state has created this model to help people get proper information related to the guidelines that they can follow to establish their businesses in the Telangana state. The people will also be able to access skill development programs. 

Also Read: Unemployment Allowance Scheme

Highlights Of Ts Startup

NameStartup Telangana
Launched by Telangana Government 
Beneficiaries Entrepreneurs
Benefits Providing skill development programmes
Official Website Startup Telangana Portal

Definition Of A Startup 

You can check out the details given below to know more about the definition of a Startup:-

  • Company Age
    • The period of existence and operations should not exceed 10 years from the Date of Incorporation
  • Annual Turnover
    • Should have an annual turnover not exceeding ₹ 100 crores for any of the financial years since its Incorporation
  • Innovative & Scalable
    • Should work towards the development or improvement of a product, process or service and/or have a scalable business model with high potential for the creation of wealth & employment
  • Company Type
    • Incorporated as a Private Limited Company, Registered Partnership Firm Limited Liability Partnership, one-person company, or a Sole proprietorship.
  • Original Entity
    • An entity should not have been formed by splitting up or reconstructing an already-existing business
Funding Opportunities

The following opportunities for funding will be provided to the people applying for this scheme:-

  • Reimbursement of SGST
    • All eligible startups shall submit their claims in the prescribed application form and attach the documents mentioned on the portal given in Annexure–II for Reimbursement of SGST within six months after completion of every half year i.e., the last date for filing a claim application is 31st of March for first half-year and 30th of September for the second half-year.
    • The Nodal Office, Telangana State Innovation cell, on receipt of the required documents, will scrutinize and perform necessary due diligence. On confirmation of the Startup eligibility, an assessment of the eligible reimbursement shall be recommended by the nodal office.
  • Reimbursement of International Marketing Costs Trade Shows
    • All eligible startups shall submit their claims in the prescribed application form and attach the documents mentioned on the portal given at Annexure – III for Reimbursement of 30% of the annual cost in International marketing through trade shows, limited to a subsidy of INR 5 lacs per company during the first 3 years of incorporation.
    • Additionally, to claim the reimbursement under this incentive, the startup application needs to be endorsed by one of the state-supported incubators (Format of endorsement Annexure – VI).
    • The Nodal Office, Telangana State Innovation cell, on receipt of the required documents, will scrutinize and perform necessary due diligence. On confirmation of the Startup eligibility, an assessment of the eligible reimbursement shall be recommended by the nodal office.
  • Reimbursement of the expenses incurred for Patent Registration
    • All eligible startups shall submit their claims in the prescribed application form given in Annexure – IV for Reimbursement of the expenses incurred for patent registration within six months from the date of obtaining the patent along with the required documents mentioned in the Application on the portal.
    • Eligible startups should have already filed or been granted a patent with the concerned authority and would have paid all the mandatory fees/expenses in this regard.100% Reimbursement of the expenses incurred for patent registration limited to Rs.2.00 Lakhs for Indian patent awarded. 
    • The Nodal Office, Telangana State Innovation cell, on receipt of the required documents, will scrutinize and perform necessary due diligence. On confirmation of the Startup eligibility, an assessment of the eligible reimbursement shall be recommended by the nodal office.
  • Reimbursement of Recruitment Assistance
    • All eligible startups shall submit their claims in the prescribed application form given in Annexure – V for Reimbursement of recruitment assistance for an amount of INR 10,000 per employee for the first year of commercial operations.
    • The startup should submit the list of Telangana-domiciled employees who have been employed with the company for at least a period of 8 months as of the date of the appointment along with their appointment letters, and domicile proof duly certified by the promoter.
    • The Nodal Office, Telangana State Innovation cell, on receipt of the required documents, will scrutinize and perform necessary due diligence. On confirmation of the Startup eligibility, an assessment of the eligible reimbursement shall be recommended by the nodal office.
  • Performance Related Grant
    • All eligible startups shall submit their claims in the prescribed application form given in Annexure – VI for performance-related grants within nine months from the date of closing of a financial year.
    • Startups that record a year-on-year growth rate of 15%, as per audited accounts, shall be eligible to get a grant of 5% on Annual Turnover, subject to a limit of INR 10 Lakhs within three years from the date of incorporation
    • The Nodal Office, Telangana State Innovation cell, on receipt of the required documents, will scrutinize and perform necessary due diligence. On confirmation of the Startup eligibility, an assessment of the eligible reimbursement shall be recommended by the nodal office.
  • Grants for startups with grassroots/rural impact
    • Preconditions for availing of this incentive
      • Recognized as a startup by the Government of Telangana AND 
      • Recognized as a “Startup with Grassroot/Rural Impact” as per the definition mentioned in G.O.Ms.No. 8 dated 27-07-2021.
    • Evaluation Process
      • The Nodal Office, Telangana State Innovation Cell, on receipt of the applications, will scrutinize and perform necessary due diligence. On confirmation of the Startup eligibility, an assessment of the eligible grants shall be recommended by the nodal office.
    • All grant recommendations will be presented to the Grassroot Advisory Council which shall then decide on sanction/work order/disbursement keeping in view the available budget for the year. The decision of the Grassroot Advisory Council in this regard to sanction any work order/purchase order under this incentive will be final.
    • Process of Application
      • All eligible startups with grassroots/rural impact shall apply in the prescribed application form given below on the portal for Procurement-related grants.
  • Public Procurement incentives for startups with grassroots/rural impact
      • Recognized as a startup by the Government of Telangana AND 
      • Recognized as a “Startup with Grassroot/Rural Impact” as per the definition mentioned in G.O.Ms.No. 8 dated 27-07-2021.
      • A letter of intent must be submitted by the competent authorities of the concerned government departments or district administrations. The startup may directly work with TSIC to source this letter of intent if all other eligibility criteria are fulfilled.
    • Evaluation Process
      • The Nodal Office, Telangana State Innovation Cell, on receipt of the applications, will scrutinize and perform necessary due diligence. On confirmation of the Startup eligibility, an assessment of the eligible grants shall be recommended by the nodal office.
      • All eligible startups with grassroots/rural impact shall apply in the prescribed application form given below on the portal for Procurement-related grants.

Also Read: DESH Stack E Portal 

Startup Telangana Application For Funding

If you want to apply for funding then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • You will first have to visit the Startup website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
Startup Telangana
Startup Telangana Official Website
  • The home page will open on your screen 
  • You have to click on the option called startups and a drop-down menu will open on your screen.
  • You have to click on the option called Funding and a new page will open on your screen.
Startup Telangana
  • The different types of funding opportunities will open on your screen.
  • You can apply for the opportunity of your choice by clicking on the apply now button.

File A Complaint

If you want to file a complaint then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
  • The home page will open on your screen 
  • You have to click on the option called Grievance and a drop-down menu will open on your screen.
  • You have to click on the option called Submit Grievance and a new page will open on your screen.
Startup Telangana Submit Grievance
Submit Grievance
  • You have to enter the details about yourself and the feedback that you want to give to the concerned authorities.
  • You can submit the details

Track Status 

If you want to track the status then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
  • The home page will open on your screen 
  • You have to click on the option called Grievance and a drop-down menu will open on your screen.
  • You have to click on the option called Track Status and a new page will open on your screen.
Track Status
Track Status
  • You will have to enter your ticket ID.
  • Click on submit to check your status.

Login Process

If you want to log in to the official website and you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
  • The home page will open on your screen 
  • You have to click on the option called Login 
Login Process
  • A new page will open on your screen
  • You have to enter your email id and password.
  • You can also register yourself through your startup India application.
  • Click on the sign-in button and you will be able to check the dashboard.
Registration Process

If you want to register at the official website then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
  • The home page will open on your screen 
  • You have to click on the option called Register 
Registration Process
  • A new page will open on your screen
  • You will have to enter the personal information related to yourself.
  • Create your password and you will be able to log in using your creations.
Contact Details
  • +91 9100678543

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