The Odisha government is running the Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana to offer pucca dwellings in rural areas. The underlying premise of the plan is that housing is a basic human necessity and is a prerequisite for both human existence and respectable living. The content on this website is all related to the Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana. We have provided information on BPGY’s instalment schedule, eligibility requirements, the application process, the recipient list, and other specifics. If our consumers intend to apply for BPGY in 2025, they can utilise this information to their advantage. The updated Rural Housing Odisha 2025 list is also available here. The Odisha Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana list can download online. Biju Pakka Ghar Scheme Rural Area New List is also available in PDF format.

About Rural Housing Odisha 2025
The Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana programme is intended for residents of Odisha who reside in kutcha homes. To assist those who are unable to construct pakka houses for themselves, the Rural Housing Odisha was introduced by the Chief Minister of the state of Odisha in 2014. The state’s population’s financial situation is known to the government. Not everyone in the state has the means to construct their own pakka house. As a result, they want to give Pakka houses to every family that resides in Kutcha houses. The Odisha government pledges to build pucca homes for all individuals who are homeless and those residing in Kutcha houses in rural areas. The Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water Department are implementing the following Schemes in this endeavour.
Also Check: Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana List
Key Highlights of Rural Housing Odisha
Launched By | Government of Odisha |
Name of Portal | Rural Housing Odisha 2025 |
Objective | To assist in building pakka houses for rural residents who are poor |
Benefits | Direct Account Transfer will be used to send money directly to the beneficiary account |
Eligibility Criteria | Citizen of Odisha |
Beneficiaries | People in the Economically Weaker Section |
Official Website | Rural Housing |
The objective of Rural Housing Odisha
BPGY’s primary goal is to aid in the construction of pakka houses for rural residents who are in need. The government of Odisha wants to provide pakka dwellings for everyone who resides in kutcha homes. The BPGY system consists of two parts.
- Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana (Normal): For this part, up to Rs. 1,50,000 would give to the beneficiary by the government. The money is transferred using RTGS, NEFT, or another electronic payment method.
- The government wants to offer housing units to the recipients of the Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana (special). Beneficiaries in the following groups will receive the dwelling units:
- Whose home has been completely or significantly damaged as a result of natural or artificial disasters such as flood, cyclone, earthquake, fire, elephant threat, communal violence, LWE violence, etc.
- Victims who require relocation after being flood by a river or the sea.
- Tribes on the schedule and other accustomed forest residents (Act. 2006).
- Victims of occupational illnesses.
- A family in need of a Pakka home that is extremely impoverished, vulnerable, and deserving.
Key Aspects and Advantages of the Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana
- The Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana prohibits the use of contractors in the construction of dwellings.
- It is desirable to grant a housing unit under the programme in the name of the female head of the household.
- intended to give deserving and really poor rural households living in kutcha dwellings new, permanent homes.
- Beneficiaries will be chosen based on the number of kutcha households in the SECC 2011 survey, which will be periodically updated.
- The Government of Odisha has introduced Rural Housing Scheme.
- Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana requires a minimum carpet space of 25 square metres.
- Funds will be directly delivered to the recipient account using Direct Account Transfer, NEFT, RTGS, and electronic fund management under this programme, and the roof material must be RCC.
Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana Implementation
- Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana requires the beneficiaries to build their own home.
- The organisation in charge of carrying out the scheme will be all Panchayat Samiti.
- DRDA or Zilla Parishad will oversee the functioning of the Panchayat Samiti.
- Beneficiaries of the Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana will receive a variety of designs.
- A kitchen, toilet, and bathroom are included in the basic layout of this plan.
- The roof needs to be built in such a way that it can resist the local climate.
- The beneficiary of the Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana must be himself or a member of his family for the house to be built under the programme.
- A no-objection certificate from the landowner is needed if the house being built is in the name of a family member.
- The name of the female head of the family will be used to assign dwellings.
- The allotment shall be made in the name of the male family head if there is no female head.
- The residence will be allocated in accordance with the quota for people with disabilities, and it will be done in that person’s name.
- The construction of the house will be undertaken as part of a mason training programme or will be carried out by reputable agencies with the collector’s consent if the beneficiary is an elderly person who is unable to monitor the construction and requests support in writing for construction.
Monitoring under Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana
The district collector is in charge of monitoring whether the plan is being carried out correctly or not. 10% of the homes built as part of the Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana must be inspected by BDOs. APD (RH) is expected to inspect 10% of the district’s homes, while the district-level officer is only needed to inspect 1% of homes. The Awaassoft software will be utilised as a crucial monitoring tool to guarantee that the Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana is carried out correctly. The BDOs must provide regular updates on the Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana’s development in Awaassoft.
Biju pakka Ghar Yojana Timeline
The Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana beneficiaries are required to finish building the home within a year of receiving the first payment under the programme. In order to build an addition to a larger house, the recipient must first finish the core structure, which must have a carpet area of 25 square metres.
Scheme components
- Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana (Normal): Through this programme, the government will distribute money to the recipient. Within four months of receiving the first instalment, Rs. 20,000 will pay for the completion of the house and the IHHL, and within six months of receiving the first instalment, Rs. 10,000 will pay. The money will transfer using RTGS, NEFT, or another electronic payment method.
- Beneficiaries of the Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana (Special) would receive housing units from the government. To those whose homes have been entirely or badly damaged by natural or man-made disasters such fire, flood, storm, earthquake, elephant menace, community violence, LWE violence, etc. The family will provide assistance to the following beneficiary categories:
- River/sea inundation victims who require relocation
- Act of 2006 on Schedule Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers
- People will impact by occupational diseases.
- A family who deserves one but is also incredibly vulnerable and destitute and needs a pucca house.
Selection Method
- Under the Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana, a district-level committee will form and be responsible for beneficiary selection.
- The district-level committee will approve the Biju Pakka Ghar Yojana beneficiary list before sending it to the district collector.
- This list will deliver to BDO by the district collector.
- The district collector has the authority to approve the list on hand and communicate it to the BDO if the district level committee fails to give it within the allotted period.
- A final list will then be created and published at the respective block or gramme Panchayat offices.
- The list will also be accessible via the state rural housing portal and the DRDA website.
Installments under this plan
Under BPGY 2023, the unit expenses for IAP and non-IAP districts are different. In non-IAP, the cost per unit is roughly Rs. 1.20 lacs. In IAP districts, the recipients receive about Rs. 1.30 lac. Including the space occupied by the toilet, a house needs to be constructed in an area of around 25 square metres.
- The BPGY plan beneficiary receives each instalment upon the completion of work at a specific level.
- When the work order is issue, the first payment is Rs. 20,000.
- For IAP districts, the second instalment is worth Rs. 35,000, while non-IAP districts receive Rs. 30,000. When the building reaches the lintel level, it is let go.
- For IAP districts, the third instalment is worth Rs. 45,000, while non-IAP districts receive Rs. When all of the construction is complete up to the roof, it will release.
- The final payment is Rs. 30,000. When the construction of the unit with sanitary latrines is finished and the beneficiary moves in, the money is transferred.
- The recipient must engrave a BPGY logo with the beneficiary name, area name, sanction year, unit cost, etc. on the front wall of the house before the last instalment is released.
Eligibility Criteria
- The candidate must reside in Odisha state permanently.
- An application must be from a section with a poorer economy.
- The applicant must be a kutcha home resident.
- There shouldn’t be any pucca houses own by the applicant in the state.
Documents Required
- Address Proof
- Identification Proof
- BPL Certificate
- EWS Certificate
- Passport size photograph
- Aadhaar Card
- Bonafide certificate
- Voter ID card
- Residence certificate
Also Read: Affordable Rental Housing Scheme
Application Process of Odisha Biju Pakka Ghar 2025
You have the option of submitting your Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana application offline or online. Simply follow the instructions below to apply online:
- Visit the Odisha Rural Housing website.

- Locate the application and complete it with the requested information.
- Include the necessary documentation.
- following Complete the application form with the necessary information.
- Personal Information
- Income information
- Address information, and other vital information
- On the Submit button, click.
Rural Housing Odisha Beneficiary Status
It is straightforward to check the beneficiaries listed for BPGY 2023. Simply take the following actions:
- First, go to the Rural Housing Odisha official website.

- Select “Beneficiary Status” from the menu.
- You now have four options on how to look up the beneficiary list.
- The “Search by location” option will bring up a new page.
- Input the name of your district, block, panchayat, etc., and then click Submit.
- The most recent beneficiary list will now show on the next page, along with information about you such as your priority number, district, block, village name, father’s or husband’s name, etc.
- The list is available for download as a PDF, and you can print out that page for your records.
Contact Details
For more information or help regarding the BPGY application, contact toll-free number. 1800-345-6768 or 155-237.