All of the state government and other prominent personalities of the Rajasthan state will be getting free healthcare opportunities as per the exemption made by the state government of the Rajasthan state under the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme for the year 2024. We will also share with you all the details related to the RGHS Scheme from the article provided below and we will also share with you all the specifications related to the step-by-step procedure to do the Registration, Login and District Wise Hospital List. You can also check out the details related to the eligibility criteria and the benefits available to each and every beneficiary present in this scheme.
About RGHS Scheme
The Government of Rajasthan state will be providing medical facilities to the honourable MLAs and the State Government employees through the provision of various rules which are imposed by the Government of Rajasthan. There are different types of medical insurance policies available for the State Government employees who are currently working in the various departments of the Rajasthan state and also the MLAs who have previously served the state. There are a lot of hospitals which are planned by the Rajasthan Government to develop the premises of this scheme and the RGHS Scheme will provide holistic support for complete healthcare for all of the State Government employees. Also, there are also some catastrophic illnesses which are covered under this scheme to develop health care support for the people in need.
Also Read: Rajasthan Jan Soochna Portal

Beneficiaries and Scheme Coverage
The following benefits will be available to all of the beneficiaries of RGHS Scheme1:-
Beneficiary Category | Rules / Scheme presently applicable | RGHS Coverage |
Ministers | Medical facilities as per The Rajasthan Ministers (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1961 | Coverage as per Rules Applicable |
Members of Rajasthan Legislative Assembly | Medical facilities as per The Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Members (Medical Facilities) Rules, 1964 | Coverage as per Rules Applicable |
Ex-Members of Rajasthan Legislative Assembly | Medical facilities as per Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Ex-Members and Family Pensioners (Medical Facilities)Rules, 2010 | Coverage as per Rules Applicable |
Serving AIS Officers | Medical facilities as per All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 and also various orders issued by DOP in this regard. | Coverage as per Rules Applicable |
Retired AIS | Coverage as per Rules Applicable | |
Serving State Government employees | Medical facilities as per RCS(MA) Rules, 2013 | Coverage as per Rules Applicable |
Pensioners and family pensioners under RCS (Pension) Rules, 1996 | Medical facility as per Rajasthan State Pensioners Medical Concession Scheme, 2014 | Coverage as per Rules Applicable |
Serving employees of State Autonomous Bodies (SAB) including Boards, Corporation etc. who were appointed prior to 01.01.2004 | As per applicable Scheme of concerned Board/corporation etc. | Cashless IPD/ DAY Care, OPD (up to Rs.20,000), Medical Care facilities as per CGHS rates or other rates as decided by the competent authority.•Treatment up to 5 lacs per family on a floater basis.•Additional expenses relating to catastrophic illness up to Rs 5 lacs per family.•Travelling allowance for journeys undertaken for medical treatment as applicable TA Rules.•Ambulance Charges. |
Serving employees of State Autonomous Bodies (SAB) including Boards, Corporation etc. who were appointed on or after 01.01.2004 | Presently under Raj Mediclaim Scheme. | •Cashless IPD/ DAY Care, OPD (up to Rs.20,000), Medical Care facilities as per CGHS rates or other rates as decided by the competent authority.•Treatment up to 5 lacs per family on a floater basis.•Additional expenses relating to catastrophic illness up to Rs 5 lacs per family.•Travelling allowance for journeys undertaken for medical treatment as applicable TA Rules.•Ambulance Charges. |
Pensioners of State Autonomous Bodies (SAB) including Boards, Corporation etc. who were appointed prior to 01.01.2004 | As per applicable Scheme of concerned Board/corporation etc. | •Cashless IPD/ DAY Care, OPD (up to Rs.20,000), Medical Care facilities as per CGHS rates or other rates as decided by the competent authority.•Treatment up to 5 lacs per family on a floater basis.•Additional expenses relating to catastrophic illness up to Rs 5 lacs per family.•Travelling allowance for journeys undertaken for medical treatment as applicable TA Rules.•Ambulance Charges. |
Pensioners of State Autonomous Bodies (SAB) including Boards, Corporation etc. who were appointed on or after 01.01.2004 | No medical facilities. | • Cashless IPD/ DAY Care, OPD (up to Rs.20,000), Medical Care facilities as per CGHS rates or other rates as decided by the competent authority.• Treatment up to 5 lacs per family on a floater basis.• Additional expenses relating to catastrophic illness up to Rs 5 lacs per family.• Travelling allowance for journeys undertaken for medical treatment as applicable TA Rules.• Ambulance Charges. |
RGHS Scheme Registration Process
To register yourself for RGHS Scheme you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the RGHS website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here

- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called Registration

- A new page will open on your screen and you will have to sign in by entering the details related to your digital security numbers.
- You need to sign in as a citizen by uploading your details related to your aadhar card or you need to log in using your Google account.
- You will be provided with the login credentials and then you can log in using your details in order to get the dashboard of the Government health care scheme.
Login Process
If you want to log in to the official website then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called Login

- A new page will open on your screen and you will have to log in by using your credentials.
- The dashboard will open on your screen where you can check all of the details related to the scheme
District Wise Empanelled Hospital under RGHS
- You will first have to visit RGHS Scheme official website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called District-wise Empanelled Hospital under RGHS

- The PDF list of all of the hospitals will open on your screen and you can check the hospital of your choice accordingly.
RGHS Empanelled Hospitals list Speciality Wise
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called RGHS Empanelled Hospitals List Speciality Wise

- The PDF list of all of the hospitals will open on your screen and you can check the hospital of your choice accordingly.
OPD list Of Hospitals under RGHS
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called OPD list Of Hospital under RGHS

- The PDF list of all of the hospitals will open on your screen and you can check the hospital of your choice accordingly.
Hospitals Empanelled Outside Rajasthan
If you want to check the hospitals which are presented under this scheme outside Rajasthan then follow procedure:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called Hospitals Empanelled Outside Rajasthan

- The PDF list of all of the hospitals will open on your screen and you can check the hospital of your choice accordingly.
District Wise Empanelled Pharma under RGHS
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called District-wise Empanelled Pharma under RGHS

- The PDF list of all of the pharmacies will open on your screen and you can check the hospital of your choice accordingly.
District Wise List Of RGHS Empanelled Confed Store
If you want to check the list of all of the concerned stores then follow the procedure:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called District wise list Of RGHS Empanelled Confed Store

- The list of all of the stores will open on your screen.
District Wise List Ayurveda Stores
If you want to check the district-wise list of Ayurveda hospitals then follow the simple procedure:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Government Health Scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage of the scheme will open on your screen
- You have to go to the menu bar.
- You have to now click on the option called District Wise List Of RGHS Eempanlled Ayurveda Stores

- The list of all of the Ayurveda hospitals will open on your screen
Helpline Numbers
- For serving employees:
- For Pensioners:
- General assistance:
- Helpline Number: 181