If you are a writer then you will be very thrilled to know that PM Yuva’s mentorship scheme is returning for the second year and now the theme for the writing is democracy. The writers can fill out the application form which is now active on the official website of the PM Yuva mentorship program and you have to write a book of about 10000 words this time. The applicants can check out the eligibility criteria for this year’s PM Yuva 2.0 mentorship program from the article provided below and we will also share with you all the step-by-step procedures through which you will be able to do your registration for this team.

About PM Yuva 2.0
A new PM Yuva 2.0 scheme was created by taking into consideration the policies which were present in the national education policy 2020. The first PM Yuva mentorship scheme was launched on 31st May 2021 and the theme for the first PM Yuva scheme was the national movement of India with a focus on unsung heroes and the little-known facts about the freedom struggle. A lot of participants were included in the development of this scheme and the scheme was conceptualized on the basis of the premises of the 21st century and the young youth in India. The new pm Yuva Scheme was launched on 2nd October 2022 in order to help the young and budding authors to participate in the scheme and the scheme will be open in 22 Indian languages plus English.
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Objective Of PM Yuva 2.0
The main objective of PM Yuva 2.0 is to ensure that the pool of authors in India can express themselves and work on different types of projects in India. Their work will help identify the Indian Heritage and culture on an international platform and their work will be given importance so that they can also start their career as an author. Job options will also be provided to the youth of India when they will be able to college their writing skills and in addition to this, a positive psychological push will also be given to the young mind so that they can give priority to their career. The program is in the vision of global citizens and Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat vision presented by the Prime Minister of India.
Theme Of PM Yuva 2.0
The Theme of PM-YUVA 2.0 is Democracy. The Theme is specific to Democracy in the Indian context only to give a fillip to research and documentation about various aspects of the Indian democratic system. The scheme will help to develop a stream of writers who can write on various facets of Democracy in India encompassing the past, present, and future. Besides, the scheme will also provide a window for the aspiring youth to articulate themselves and present a comprehensive outlook of Indian democratic values on domestic as well as international platforms. You can write on the following topics:-
- Institutions
- Events
- People
- Constitutional Values
Selection Procedure
The applicant will have to go through the following selection procedure to get selected for the PM Yuva mentorship program:-
- A total of 75 authors will be selected through an All India Contest hosted on the MyGov platform. https://mygov.in
- The selection will be by a Committee to be constituted by NBT.
- The Scheme will launch on 2nd October 2022
- The Contest Period will be from 2nd October to 30th November 2022.
- The contestants will ask to submit a Book proposal of 10,000 words. Therefore, division as per the following :
- Synopsis: 2000-3000 words
- Chapter Plan: Yes
- Two-three sample chapters: 7000-8000 words
- Bibliography and References: Yes
- The Evaluation Period of the Proposals will be from 1st December 2022- 31st January 2023
- The Meeting of the National Jury will be in the first week of February 2023
- The names of selected authors will be announced in the last week of February 2023
- The Mentorship duration would be from 1st March 2023- 31st August 2023
- The Publication of the First set of books will commence on 2nd October 2023
Guidelines For PM Yuva 2.0
The applicants must follow the following guidelines to successfully apply for the PM Yuva mentorship program:-
- Applicants who had qualified for the PM-YUVA scheme 2021-22(final Result only) are not eligible for the PM-YUVA 2.0 scheme 2022-23.
- Contestants should not have any personal, professional, or academic obligations that interfere with the mentorship schedule during the PM-YUVA 2.0.
- The maximum age of the contestant should be exactly 30 years or below as of 2nd October 2022.
- The submissions of the manuscript will be accepted through MyGov only till 11:59 PM on 30th November 2022.
- The genre of the entry of the PM-YUVA 2.0 scheme should be Non-Fiction only.
- The change of topic of the Book Proposal will not be allowed after submission.
- There should be only ONE entry per person.
Mentorship Schedule
The applicants will have to go through the following mentorship schedule after they get selected for the PM Yuva mentorship program:-
- The National Book Trust, India will organize a Two-Week Writers’ Online Programme for the selected candidates.
- During this, the young authors will train by two eminent authors/mentors from NBT’s panel of accomplished authors and writers.
- In addition, eminent authors/mentors under NBT’s Advisory Panel and other eminent authors from various languages will mentor and guide them on how to exercise their literary skills.
- The eco-system of publishing–how content is created, authors are mentors, the editorial processes that take place, and literary agents spot creative talent would be an integral aspect of the programme.
- The authors will get to expand their understanding and hone their skills through interaction at various international events such as Literary Festivals, Book Fairs Virtual Book fairs, Cultural Exchange Programmes, etc.
- Disbursement of Scholarships
- At the end of training and mentorship, a consolidated scholarship of Rs. 50,000 per month for six months (50,000 x 6 = Rs. 3 Lakh) per author will get paid under the Mentorship Scheme for the books developed under the scheme.
- A royalty of 10% will be payable to the authors on successful publications of their books at the end of the Mentorship Program.
- The books thus published under the scheme may be translated into other Indian languages ensuring the exchange of culture and literature between different states of India and thereby promoting Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat.
- They will also get a platform to promote their books and also to propagate the Reading and Writing culture on a national scale.
Eligibility Criteria
The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria to apply for the program:-
- The applicant must be below the age of 30 years.
- The applicant must be a legal resident of India.
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PM Yuva 2.0 Application Process
To apply for the scheme you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the Yuva website of the organization by clicking on the link given here

- The details related to the mentorship program will open on your screen.
- You have to click on the option called Click Here To Submit

- A new page will open on your screen.
- Make sure that you have read all of the guidelines related to the scheme before filling out the application form.
- You have to now log in using your email ID or your Google account.
- Successfully upload the PDF of your book and apply for the scheme to consider for the scholarship program.