Gruha Jyothi Scheme New Rules 2024 (Revised)- Check Complete details

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Gruha Jyothi Scheme New Rules 2024 was launched by the Karnataka state government. The Congress-led government in the Karnataka state launched the Gruha Jyothi scheme that provides 200 units of free electricity in the state. Now the Karnataka state government has changed the Gruha Jyothi Scheme, By withdrawing a 10% additional subsidy on average usage but instead giving an extra 10 units of electricity. Consumers will now receive 10 extra units of free electricity, regardless of their usage, up to a maximum of 200 units. All the applications who clear the eligibility criteria can avail the benefits of this scheme by filling out the application form on the official website.

Revised Gruha Jyothi Scheme Rules

The Congress government in the Karnataka state launched the Gruha Jyothi Scheme. All the permanent residents of Karnataka state are eligible to apply for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme.  The scheme will provide free electricity to the permanent residents of Karnataka state up to 200 units. Now the new guidelines for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme Scheme have been launched by the Karnataka state government. The Karnataka state government has withdrawn the 10% additional subsidiary rule on the average usage but instead gives an extra 10 units of electricity on average consumption. For example, if a consumer’s average usage is 80 units, he/she will be entitled to free usage of 90 units

Gruha Jyothi Scheme New Rules
Gruha Jyothi Scheme New Rules

Also Read: Gruha Jyothi Scheme Application Online

Key Highlights of Gruha Jyothi Scheme New Rules

Name of the schemeGruha Jyothi Scheme New Rules
Launched byKarnataka state government
ObjectiveFree electricity up to 200 units
BeneficiariesPermanent residence of Karnataka
Official website Seva Sindhu Portal

What is the Gruha Jyothi Scheme?

The Gruha Jyothi Scheme is launched by the Karnataka state government to help the financially unstable citizens of the Karnataka state. All the citizens of Karnataka state who are not able to pay their electricity bill can avail the benefits of this scheme. Under the Gruha Jyothi Scheme, the state government will provide free electricity to the citizens for up to 200 units. All the applicants can use electricity for up to 200 units for free the applicants have to pay only for the electricity that they have use after 200 units. With the help of this scheme, the financially unstable citizens of Karnataka state can save a lot of money.

Also Read: Process To Cancel Gruha Jyothi Application 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Only the permanent residents of Karnataka state are eligible to apply for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme.
  • If the electricity is used for commercial purposes then the scheme is not valid.
  • The applicant must have an installed meter that is working to avail the benefits of this scheme.
  • Only one electric meter connection is benefited under this scheme.
  • The customer’s Aadhar Card must be linked to the electricity bill

Benefits of Gruha Jyothi Scheme New Rules

  • With the new rule of the Gruha Jyothi scheme, the applicant can use an extra 10 units for free.
  • With this new rule, the government will have to shell out an additional Rs 500 to 600 crore.
  • The applicants who will get selected under this scheme will get 200 units of electricity for free.
  • This Scheme will help the applicants to save a lot of money.
  • This scheme will help to reduce the wastage of electricity in a normal household.

Also Read: Gruha Jyothi Application Status

Required Documents
  • Aadhar card
  • Details of consumer ID
  • Account ID
  • Tenancy document, if you are a tenant
  • Voter ID

How to avail of benefits Under the Gruha Jyothi Scheme

  • To avail of the benefits of the Gruha Jyothi Scheme first go to the official website.
Seva Sindhu Portal
Seva Sindhu Portal
  • On the homepage click on the option Gruha Jyothi Application Form.
  • The application form will appear on your screen.
  • Fill out all the details that are asked and attach all the necessary documents.
  • Click on the option submit to successfully register.

Contact Details

  • 8792662816
What is the Gruha Jyothi Scheme?

The Gruha Jyothi is the flagship programme of the government of Karnataka, which provides free electricity up to 200 units for every residential household in the state.

What is the new change in the Gruha Jyothi Scheme?

The Karnataka state government has changed the Gruha Jyothi Scheme, By withdrawing a 10% additional subsidy on average usage but instead giving an extra 10 units of electricity.

Who is eligible to apply for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme?

Only the permanent residents of Karnataka state are eligible to apply for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme.

What is the main objective of launching the Gruha Jyothi Scheme? 

The main objective of launching the Gruha Jyothi Scheme is to reduce the wastage of electricity in normal households.

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