Dr Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme 2025- Application Process

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The ”Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Director of Scheduled Caste Welfare, Government of Gujarat, is responsible for implementing the “Dr. Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme.” Marriages between members of Hinduism’s Scheduled Castes and members of other castes have been arranged as part of the program to eliminate inequalities and promote social empowerment.

Dr Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme
Dr Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme

The program would give the couple ₹2,50,000 in order to promote weddings between members of Scheduled Castes and other Hindu communities. This program is a centrally funded endeavour in which the central government and the states each contribute 50%. The applicant should visit the official website of the program.

Savitaben Ambedkar Marriage Scheme

The Dr. Savitaben Ambedkar Marriage Scheme is recently launched by the government of Gujarat. The program aims to provide financial assistance to the couples. The program will try to eliminate the social in equalities in the state. By promoting the marriage between the different castes of Hinduism, the program is visionary in itself. The applicants will receive an amount of rupees 2.5 lakh under this program. The program is centrally funded. The Government will make sure to provide benefits to as many as they can. The applicants who are interested in applying under this program can visit the official website of the program.

Also Read: Inter Caste Marriage Scheme Gujarat

Purpose of Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Scheme

The “Dr. Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme” encourages intercaste marriages, especially between Scheduled Castes and other Hindu castes, by providing financial support in an effort to advance social integration and equality. In order to promote social cohesion and harmony among society, the scheme’s main objective is to promote intercaste marriages. Couples who get married under this program are given ₹2,50,000 as a financial incentive to assist them adjust into their first married life.

Key Highlights of Dr Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme

Name of the articleDr Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme
Launched byThe Department of Social Justice and Empowerment
BeneficiariesThe couples getting married and  belongs to  different Castes of Hinduism
BenefitsThe applicants will receive financial assistance under this program
Application modeOnline
Official websitehttps://ambedkarfoundation.nic.in/icms.html

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for applying under this program is given below:-

  • One member of the intercaste couple must be a Gujarati native.
  • The Scheduled Caste Category should include one member of the intercaste married pair.
  • Applications for aid under the program must be submitted within two years of the marriage, and such unions must be registered.
  • The couple’s parents should have lived in Gujarat for five years prior to their intercaste marriage.
  • Any migrant who is not a member of the Scheduled Caste must provide a certificate attesting to his Hindu religious practice and that he is not an untouchable in that province or state.
  • Assistance will be provided under this scheme in the event that a widower or a widow without children remarries.
  • There is no limit on income.

Benefits Of Scheme

The benefits of this program are given below:-

  • The couple receives ₹1,00,000 in aid for household expenses, including the purchase of appliances.
  • The married couple receives ₹1,50,000 in assistance in the shape of National Savings Certificates in their combined names.
  • Under the plan, the couple will receive ₹2,50,000 in total financial aid.

Required Documents

The documents required for applying under this program are given below:-

  • Passport-size Photograph
  • Aadhaar Card of the applicant
  • Caste Certificate
  • Documents regarding when the applicant got divorced (if the applicant was married at the time of marriage)
  • Proof of death (if the applicant was a widower/widow at the time of marriage)
  • Proof of divorce (if the man/woman was married at the time of marriage)
  • Proof of death (if the young / woman was a widower/widow at the time of marriage)
  • School Leaving Certificate of the applicant
  • Proof of Residence (Any one of Electricity Bill/Licence/Lease Agreement/Electoral Card/Ration Card)
  • Certificate of marriage registration
  • Copy of First Page of Bank Passbook /Cancelled Cheque (in the name of the applicant)
  • Declaration Form to be submitted at the time of receipt of Marriage Registration Certificate (Marriage Statement Form)

Salient Features

The salient features of this program are given below:-

  • The scheme will provide the financial assistance of rupees 2.5 lakh to the beneficiaries.
  • The Scheme aims to encourage the inter caste marriages by supporting the couples.
  • The scheme also work for promoting the social equality in the state.

Application Process

To apply online under this program you need to follow the below given procedure step by step:-

Step 1:- firstly visit the official website of the program to initiate the online application process.

Dr Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme
Dr Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme

Step 2:- on the home page of official website you need to click on the apply now button.

Step 3:- After this you will be redirected to a new page where you need to provide all the information about yourself.

Step 4:- now you need to attach all the relevant documents in this step.

Step 5:-  at last click on the submit button to complete your application process.

Helpline Number

  • Helpline No:- 1800 180 6127


What is the Dr Savitaben Ambedkar Inter Caste Marriage Scheme?

It’s a scheme launched by the state government of Gujarat for the couple who are going for inter caste marriages.

What are the benefits of this program?

The applicants will receive financial assistance under this program.

What is the eligibility criteria for applying under this program?

The applicant should be the permanent resident of Gujarat.

Can I apply Online for this program?

Yes you can apply online by visiting the official website of the program.

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